
Prenuptial Agreements

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Indiana Prenuptial Agreements

Marriage is one of humanity’s oldest institutions, representing the love between two people and legal recognition that they are a united couple. Much of this union involves the merger of assets, along with new assets, income, and debts the spouses incur together. Unfortunately, these items can become the subject of heated debates and contested court hearings in an Indiana divorce. The Uniform Premarital Agreement Act aims to avoid these scenarios by allowing parties to agree on various issues before getting married.

There are some who view prenups as awkward and unromantic without realizing the numerous advantages. These agreements provide certainty, shield assets, and reduce the potential for costly, time-consuming litigation. Our team at The López Law Office, P.C. has extensive experience preparing, reviewing, and negotiating premarital contracts, so we are ready to serve your needs. Please contact us to set up a consultation with an Indiana prenuptial agreements lawyer today. You can also read on for some basics.

Purpose of a Premarital Agreement

When it is made before a couple gets married, a prenup is a contract that dictates how finances are handled in the event of divorce or death of one of the parties. In it, you include details on property division, both with respect to what constitutes marital property and how it will be divided. A prenuptial agreement can also cover specifics regarding alimony, such as the amount, type, and duration.

There are certain requirements for a valid prenup, including that it be in writing. A court will not enforce the agreement if these are not met.

Benefits of Prenups in Indiana

When you decide on some of the most hotly contested issues in divorce before getting married, you eliminate the potential for litigation or at least minimize disputes. In addition, keep in mind that a prenup can help you:

  • Safeguard each party’s interests in terms of significant assets or debt;
  • Protect an inheritance;
  • Transfer property to children from a prior relationship; and,
  • Separate business interests.

Keep in mind that a different document applies when spouses are already married: You can accomplish many of these same objectives through a valid postnuptial agreement.

Legal Help with Prenuptial Agreements

These written documents carry important implications for your rights, financial situation, and future. It is critical to consult with an Indiana prenuptial agreements lawyer if you are thinking about options or need help understanding one given to you. The López Law Office, P.C. will:

  • Guide you in establishing goals;
  • Explain relevant legal concepts;
  • Develop a prenup that suits your situation;
  • Review and negotiate your prenuptial agreement; and,
  • Assist with enforcement if it becomes necessary.

Contact an Indiana Prenuptial Agreements Attorney to Discuss Details

If you are considering a prenup or were given one by your fiancé, it is critical to retain skilled legal counsel. To learn more about premarital agreements, please contact The López Law Office, P.C. at (317) 634-9484 or go online to schedule a consultation. Attorney Vanessa López Aguilera can advise you on working out a prenuptial agreement that is both fair and protective of your rights. Hablamos español.

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