
Guardian Ad Litem

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Indianapolis Guardian Ad Litem

Guardian Ad Litems (GAL) are court-appointed advocates for children who have suffered neglect or abuse, are in trouble with the law or whose parents are engaged in a child custody battle. They represent a child’s best interests during court proceedings, and, in some cases, make recommendations regarding the removal of a child from their parents or legal guardian.

A GAL is appointed by the court in many circumstances. In addition, parents and their attorney can also request one, if necessary. If you think your child would benefit from having a GAL, contact the López Law Office to discuss the matter with attorney Vanessa López Aguilera.

The Duties of a Guardian Ad Litem

  • Investigate the situation. A GAL must make him or herself aware of the child’s situation. Often he or she will gather this information through interviews with the child, parents, doctors and teachers.
  • Advocate for the child in court. The most important job of a GAL is to be a zealous advocate in negotiations and in court. The GAL will speak on behalf of the child’s best interests. In certain cases, this may include a recommendation that the child goes to a foster parent or ward for the sake of their protection and mental health.
  • Monitor the child. The GAL will stay in contact with teachers, doctors, parents and other interested parties to ensure that all court orders regarding the child are being followed. He or she may also suggest additional services to help ensure the continued safety and well-being of the child.

Contact a Skilled Family Law Attorney Today

To learn more about Guardian Ad Litem, contact lawyer Vanessa López Aguilera online or call (317) 634-9484. Hablamos español.

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